Essential Guide On International Mediation For Parties
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Essential Guide On International Mediation For Parties

As a franchisee outlet, you must know that cases of international disputes are resolved in two main ways. While one of them is through arbitration and is categorised under adjunctive case, the other one is through mediation and is categorised under concessional case.
However, you need to follow few additional tips if you opt for International Mediation to make the case go in your favour. Here are some of these tips to follow. Read about them.

Take mutual decisions

When you choose International Mediation, it is essential that you have to come to a common conclusion regarding the case of international dispute with your opponent party. For this, it is mandatory that you take or propose solutions in the presence of your lawyer as well as the opponent party and their lawyer.

Be flexible

The solution to a case that you propose might not be liked by your opponent client, neither can you force them to agree to what you propose. Always remember that these sorts of cases are solved with mutual consent when both parties agree to a common decision. Therefore, it is mandatory that you should be flexible enough to listen to your opponent and accept a decision that is mutually agreeable.